The relationship between the [Islamic State] and [Arab Spring] - ...
[Muslim countries] and the relationship between the [Arab Spring] is
Across to Iraq and Syria, but air strikes by the United States against the [Islamic State] has passed a month beginning, prolonged is conspicuous reports that inevitable. Support for the air strikes by the European countries also, gait is disturbed, not much of seriousness. However, the wonder to see the tone of Europe and the United States, President Obama is that the said <[Islamic State] devastating>, but that Western and Japanese media have picked up decent.
The world is, I think from this year the month of the immediately preceding days to the moon, and I wonder if the video of the violent Gaza attack by Israel was not was watching every day. Palestinians 00 or more people died in air strikes and shelling, but the split was a civilian, to at that time did not climb to the Islamic organization Hamas devastating such as the story entirely of governing Gaza, such even in Israel a goal was not listed.